pinta systems GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Straße 7
82216 Maisach, Germany
phone +49 (0) 81 41. 8888-0
fax +49 (0) 81 41. 8888-555
Would you like to know more about the products available of pinta abdichtung? Are you a technical planner with questions in regards to technical issues? Are you an architect and in need of planning-support? Our experts will be pleased to support you and address any of your queries. Feel free to contact anyone from the list below:
Jürgen Hofrath
ZIP-Areas: 53-56, 60-79, Switzerland
mobile +49 (0)177. 32 55 71 4
Sven Tegeler
mobile +49 (0)160. 96 63 69 99 1
Alois Miczek
mobile +49 (0)172. 91 86 06 6
Felix Illbruck
Krisztian Bitskey
phone +49 (0)81 41. 88 88-410
Oscar Illbruck, Felix Illbruck